Creating a “walled garden” of comments

Some suggestions, added as comments:

function filter_the_comments( $array ) { 

  $comment_IDs = array();

  foreach ( $array as $key => $val ) {
    //assuming the comments are sorted by date in ascending order, a parent has to come before the child comment, so there is no need to wait till all subsequent IDs have been added in order to check for this comment's parent
    //the && operator stops executing as soon as a condition fails, so it's more efficient to check if there is a parent first
    //0 evaluates to false and other values to true, so the comparison can be skipped
    if ($val->comment_parent && !in_array( $val->comment_parent, $comment_IDs )) unset( $array[ $key ] );

    //there is no need to add this comment's ID if you have removed it, so put this in the else statement
    else array_push($comment_IDs, $val->comment_ID);


  return $array; 