Custom pagination structure

After searching here and there, probably I found solution. (Don’t know if I am doing wrong in WP terminology!)

Page was redirecting from .../page5 to .../page/5, because of redirect_canonical function resides in WordPress core.

So I further searched for altering it by hook.

Few people were saying remove redirect_canonical filter by adding this in code: remove_filter('template_redirect','redirect_canonical');.

But, after checking some other answers, I think I have to correct only my case, as removing whole redirect_canonical filter cause trouble in other part of WordPress.

Here is my final code which was added in my theme’s functions.php

function remove_page_number_permalink_redirect( $redirect_url )
    if (is_paged() && get_query_var('paged') > 0) {
        return false;
    return $redirect_url;
add_filter( 'redirect_canonical', 'remove_page_number_permalink_redirect' );

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