Custom post type and category link together

Hopefully this is what you were asking for?

Make sure you update your permalinks (just click update) afterwards.

This will do

In your example, you didn’t register the taxonomy type, and additionally you need to add the function to put the category slug into the permalink.

function my_custom_post_vege() {
    $labelsvege = array(
         'name'                 => 'Vege',
        'singular_name'         => 'Vege',
        'add_new'               => 'Add Item',
        'all_items'             => 'All Items',
        'add_new_item'          => 'Add Item',
        'edit_item'             => 'Edit Item',
        'new_item'              => 'New Item',
        'view_item'             => 'View Item',
        'search_item'           => 'Search Recepti',
        'not_found'             => 'No Items found',
        'not_found_in_trash'    => 'No items found in trash',
        'parent_item_colon'     => 'Parent Item'
    $argsvege = array(
        'labels'        => $labelsvege,
        'description'   => 'What type of Vege this is',
        'public'        => true,
        'menu_position' => 100,
        'menu_icon'     => 'dashicons-wordpress',
        'supports'      => array( 'title', 'editor', 'thumbnail', 'excerpt', 'comments', 'custom-fields' ),
        'has_archive'   => true,
        'hierarchical'  => true,
        'rewrite'       => array('slug' => 'vege/%vege-category%','with_front' => false),
        'query_var'     => true,
        'show_in_nav_menus'  => TRUE,
        'show_in_menu'  => TRUE,
        'label'         => 'Veges',
        'publicly_queryable'  => TRUE
    register_post_type( 'vege', $argsvege );

add_action( 'init', 'my_custom_post_vege' );

function my_taxonomies_vegetype() {
    $labelsTaxvegetype = array(
        'name'              => _x( 'Vege Category', 'taxonomy general name' ),
        'singular_name'     => _x( 'Vege Category', 'taxonomy singular name' ),
        'search_items'      => __( 'Search vege Category' ),
        'all_items'         => __( 'All vege Category' ),
        'parent_item'       => __( 'Parent Item' ),
        'parent_item_colon' => __( 'vege Type:' ),
        'edit_item'         => __( 'Edit vege Type' ),
        'update_item'       => __( 'Update vege Type' ),
        'add_new_item'      => __( 'Add New vege Type' ),
        'new_item_name'     => __( 'New vege Type Name' ),
        'menu_name'         => __( 'vege Type' ),
    $argsTaxvegetype = array(
        'labels' => $labelsTaxvegetype,
        'hierarchical'  => true,
        'public'        => true,
        'query_var'     => 'category',
        'rewrite'       =>  array('slug' => 'vege' ),
        '_builtin'      => false,
    register_taxonomy( 'vege-category', 'vege', $argsTaxvegetype );

add_action( 'init', 'my_taxonomies_vegetype', 0 );

add_filter('post_link', 'category_permalink', 1, 3);
add_filter('post_type_link', 'category_permalink', 1, 3);

function category_permalink($permalink, $post_id, $leavename) {
        if (strpos($permalink, '%vege-category%') === FALSE) return $permalink;
        $post = get_post($post_id);
        if (!$post) return $permalink;
        $terms = wp_get_object_terms($post->ID, 'vege-category');
        if (!is_wp_error($terms) && !empty($terms) && is_object($terms[0]))
            $taxonomy_slug = $terms[0]->slug;
        else $taxonomy_slug = 'no-category';

    return str_replace('%vege-category%', $taxonomy_slug, $permalink);