Custom Post Type Object – Undefined Variables

Looks like some minor confusion here and syntax issues.

Bad: You’re including the $ sign when setting property values.

// Set Variables
$this->$post_type_name      = strtolower( str_replace( ' ','_', $name) );
$this->$post_type_args      = $args;
$this->$post_type_lables    = $labels;

Good: Omit the $ once you’ve declared them.

// Set Variables
$this->post_type_name      = strtolower( str_replace( ' ','_', $name) );
$this->post_type_args      = $args;
$this->post_type_lables    = $labels;

Good: This is good too, you have this right.

public $post_type_name;
public $post_type_args;
public $post_type_labels;

Regarding $args. It’s difficult to tell where the second snippet fits in exactly, but assuming it’s in the constructor, I’m not seeing an $args variable within the context of your closure. You’ll need to use($args) if that variable is from the outer scope.

add_action( 'init',
    function() use( $taxonomy_name, $post_type_name, $args ) {
        register_taxonomy( $taxonomy_name, $post_type_name, $args );

See also: PHP closures, inheriting variables from parent scope