Error 403 on wp-admin – Redirection to upgrade.php

The Error 403 with a redirection to upgrade.php in a WordPress site’s admin area can be a bit tricky to diagnose and resolve, as it can stem from various issues, including file permissions, server configuration, database problems, or corrupted files. Let’s go through some steps to troubleshoot and potentially resolve this issue: File Permissions: Incorrect … Read more

Server 500 error when updating post using block editor

Based on the error logs and the behavior you’ve described, the issue with the WordPress post not updating properly and causing a 500 internal server error seems to be related to a function in your theme or a plugin that is interacting with the content, particularly images. Here’s a breakdown of what the logs suggest … Read more

How to hook into debug.log?

WordPress tells PHP, using ini_set(), in wp_debug_mode() which errors should be handled and which file they should be written to. The function is called in wp-settings.php when WP is starting up. As suggested by David in How to catch all PHP errors with custom error handler? answers you could use PHP’s set_error_handler() to define a … Read more

Fatal error on random blog posts

Pretty simple. comments.php is trying to call a function twentyseventeen_get_svg() which doesn’t exist: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function You’ll probably need to contact the theme developer or, just find the part of the code in comments.php (line 88) that calls the function and comment it out. Looks like that function comes with the theme … Read more

Database Errors since site updated to WordPress 6.4.3

The errors were generated because there was a plugin that forced sql modes to be used on the database that are actually “incompatible” with wordpress. The following code was sadly executed for every request… private function set_sql_mode() : void { // Make sure no sql modes can be blocked (By wordpress built-in incompatible modes) add_filter(‘incompatible_sql_modes’, … Read more

WordPress returns empty page

the site seems to be infected by malware: which could explain the issues you have; these guides should help you deal with malware removal: