custom taxonomies on pages

If you want to display a list of all terms in a taxonomy, you can call wp_list_categories() and pass the taxonomy argument to get anything other than the categories:

wp_list_categories( array(
    'taxonomy' => 'your-taxonomy'
) );

If you want to use a shortcode for this, so you can use it in your post content, use add_shortcode(). This untested example code allows you to use [taxonomy_terms] or [taxonomy_terms taxonomy=my-taxonomy] in your content:

add_shortcode( 'taxonomy_terms', 'wpse4668_taxonomies' );
function wpse4668_taxonomies( $atts )
    // Sanitize our input
    $atts = shortcode_atts( array(
        'taxonomy' => 'your-default-taxonomy',
    ), $atts );
    // Don't echo the output, just return it
    $atts['echo'] = 0;

    return wp_list_categories( $atts );