Custom widget doesn’t save values from dropdown box

Values are saved, but then you have to select the correct option when you print the select. Is the same when you print the input field and you add
value="<?php echo esc_attr( $title ); ?>".

You can try to change the code between <select> and </select> with this

<option value="300x250" <?php echo "300x250" == $widgetads ? "selected" : ""; ?> >300x250px</option>
<option value="336x280" <?php echo "336x280" == $widgetads ? "selected" : ""; ?>>336x280px</option>
<option value="300x600" <?php echo "300x600" == $widgetads ? "selected" : ""; ?>>300x600px</option>
<option value="320x100" <?php echo "320x100" == $widgetads ? "selected" : ""; ?>>320x100px</option>