Customize Multi-Column Tag Map to fetch specific post-type

i think you are getting downvotes b/c your question is crazy vague. if i understood from your themeshaper post then you are trying to group all your terms alphabetically like so:


  • anvil
  • apple
  • art


  • bacon
  • banana


  • darth vader
  • daytime

and so on. if this is the case, you can achieve it with get_terms() and a foreach loop

$terms = get_terms( 'category', array('orderby'=>'slug','order'=>'DSC'));

$xletter = NULL;

foreach($terms as $term){

   $letter = substr($term->slug, 0, 1); //gets first letter of slug

   if($letter != $xletter){  //if the letter has  changed then print it out
    echo '<h2>' .$letter . '</h2>';

$xletter = substr($term->slug, 0, 1); //gets first letter of slug

echo $term->name . '';  //echo the term name
