Delete all posts that do NOT have a specific tag

I just created a function that can bulk delete posts that doesn’t have specific tag(s).

You need to have the IDs of the tags that you want to keep their posts.
[In case you don’t know how to get those IDs: Quick solution is go to tags page on the website admin panel. Click on the tag. In the new page address bar you can see the tag_id]

Replace the “TagID”s with your actual tag IDs on this line:

$tags_to_delete = array( $TagID1, $TagID2 , ... );

Then place the code at the end of your theme’s functions.php file. Open your homepage. It will move all the posts that don’t have specific tag(s) to trash.

This code will be run every time that you open a page in your frontend.

The runtime depends on you number of post and your server configuration.
I tested it for about 3500 posts on a not very high config server and it took about 40 seconds to finish.

I strongly suggest to remove the code from your website after you are done with it.

// Change the $TagIDs with the tag IDs in your database
$tags_to_delete = array( $TagID1, $TagID2 , ... );

// This function will bulk delete posts that don't have specific tag(s)
function delete_posts_by_not_tag( $tags ) {

// WP_Query arguments
$args = array(
        'post_type'              => array( 'post' ),
        'nopaging'               => true,
        'posts_per_page'         => '-1',
         'tag__not_in'           => array( $tags ),

// The Query
$query = new WP_Query( $args );

// The Loop
if ( $query->have_posts() ) {

        $totalpost = $query->found_posts;
        echo "Number of Posts: " . $totalpost;

        echo "<hr>";

        while ( $query->have_posts() ) {

                $current_id = $post->ID;
                wp_delete_post( $current_id );
                echo "Post by ID '" . $current_id . "' is deleted.<br>";

        echo "<hr>";

} else {

  echo "No post found to delete!";


// Restore original Post Data


// Run the function to delete all the posts that don't have specific tag(s)
delete_posts_by_not_tag( $tags_to_delete );