Disable customizer control sorting within sections

What you have in the code is Backbone.js that goes together with Underscore.js.

The api.panel, api.section, api.control are collections

$( [ api.panel, api.section, api.control ] ).each( function ( i, values ) {
    var debouncedReflowPaneContents = _.debounce( api.reflowPaneContents, api.settings.timeouts.reflowPaneContents );
    values.bind( 'add', debouncedReflowPaneContents );
    values.bind( 'change', debouncedReflowPaneContents );
    values.bind( 'remove', debouncedReflowPaneContents );
} );

And bind is actually Backbone event bind, not jQuery.
jQuery bind is for DOM, and Backbone bind is for the Backbone object model.

All you can do is to check the Catalog of Events and remove looks what you need to do, but it would need more time and code shared to understand the removal.

api means you are under certain function closure and typically this means wp.customize

You haven’t yet shared the details where you have [ api.panel, api.section, api.control ], I would not guess.

Take this and accept this as a most helpful answer. You can easily reset the accept later if someone provides a better one.