Disabling visual editor on a specific post

I’ve tested the code you provided both WITH and WITHOUT the WP Editor plugin enabled and the “Visual” tab is suppressed in both cases. This means the user is forced into “Text” mode on post 416.

To address your second request, I’ve modified the code to allow you to supply a list of posts that you need to suppress “Visual” editing on. Simply modify the value of “$post_array” to add as many posts as you’d like (I’ve included 3 in the example below).

add_filter( 'user_can_richedit', 'wpse_58501_page_can_richedit' );

function wpse_58501_page_can_richedit( $can )
    global $post;

    $post_array = array(1,416,247);

    if ( in_array($post->ID, $post_array) )
        return false;

    return $can;

If the code still isn’t working for you please disable other plugins that may be running in case something else might be conflicting with this filter. Additionally, if suppressing just the “Visual” tab is not enough, please consider adding a screenshot to the question to clearly indicate what else might need to be suppressed to address your issue more accurately.