WordPress Started Executing Code Inside PRE Tags Even They Are Properly Escaped

Quick Fix Answer: Add the below code to your theme functions.php file for a quick fix. Rest still trying to find the reason for this error so if you have any then welcome to comment here so I will mark your answer as accepted. /* ————————————————————————- * * Stop Executing Codes Inside Pre/Code Tags /* … Read more

How do I access the contents of WordPress Classic editor in admin area with JavaScript?

To get the editor content as a string in the classic editor use this: content = tinymce.activeEditor.getContent(); Taken from https://stackoverflow.com/a/5843951/57482 Note that you should use the APIs provided rather than directly modifying the DOM if you want to modify the content. If you don’t, you won’t update plugins local states in javascript causing problems. Modifying … Read more

WPBakery Editor dropdown hidden behind editor [closed]

Try to disable all plugins except WPBakery Page Builder and then enable back the plugins one at a time, until the problem is gone. If that doesn’t solve the problem, then maybe the WPBakery Page Builder is in conflict with the active theme on your site. You should also check out: https://support.wpbakery.com/ https://kb.wpbakery.com/