Display all the terms within a custom taxonomy

  1. get_terms() creates a WP_Term_Query() and then passed the $args to it. It also applies the get_terms filter to the terms before they’re returned. get_terms() is, in this case, a convenience function, to use if you don’t need all the bells and whistles a WP_Term_Query might provide.

  2. As far as the_title() and the_permalink(), those functions are meant to work on posts, not taxonomy terms. the_title() will only have meaning if you’re in The Loop, I believe. Outside The Loop, you can use get_the_title(), but you’ll need to pass it a post or a post ID.

  3. Your image problem might be because you’re changing from featuredartistthumbnailimage and featuredartistthumbnailimagesize to artistthumbnailimage and artistthumbnailimagesize in your code.