Display Posts on Custom Page

If News is a category of posts, then:

  1. First, find out the category ID, login to wp-admin, go Posts->Categories, mouse over the ‘News’ category, and cat id should be shown under the left corner of the browser (for chrome this works, not sure about other browsers).
  2. Add the following code into your function.php

    function my_news_category( $query ) {
      if ( $query->is_frontpage() && $query->is_main_query() ) {
        $query->set( 'cat', '18');     //remember change this to the actual cat id
    add_action( 'pre_get_posts', 'my_news_category' );

For this solution, you don’t have to change the underscore template at all.

Alternate solution would be adding query_posts() before displaying the main loop on your frontage template as I suggested on my comment. See official documentation for more details on how to implement it.