Display user meta by different user role

In your author.php file, get the user metadata via get_user_meta(), then do an if statement of $user->roles == 'rivenditore', display the meta data as you desire, and then do an elseif $user->roles == 'installatori' statement with what you wish to display for users on other roles.

EDIT: Code example as requested:

// get author data
$queried_object = get_queried_object();

// set author ID
$author_id = $queried_object->ID;

// get author roles in array
$roles_arr = $queried_object->roles;

// get the meta data, I set it to 'location' just to show you how it works
$user_meta_location = get_user_meta($author_id, 'location', TRUE);

if ($roles_arr[0] == 'rivenditore') {
    // do stuff for rivenditore users
    echo $user_meta_location; 
} elseif ($roles_arr[0] == 'installatori') {
    // do other stuff for installatori users
    echo $user_meta_location; 

I haven’t tested it but it should work. Note that I have no idea what the key is for your meta_data so please set that. I have added comments so everything should be readable for sure. Good luck!