Add conditional custom option to ‘Display name publicly as’ dropdown

While you can’t edit the dropdown list, you can achieve what you want as long as you are able to edit your theme or if your theme uses the standard the_author() template tag.

To recast your question, you want:

  1. Editor’s names to show as Name + nickname + surname
  2. Other names to show as nickname

  3. No-one to be able to change this except Admins

I’m assuming at the moment that point 3 is just to prevent people changing things and that not even admins really need to change 1 & 2.

Theme Edit Solution

Anywhere in your theme that you display the author’s name, why not use your own code:

if ( user_can( get_the_author_meta('ID'), 'editor' ) ) {
    echo get_the_author_meta('first_name');
    echo ' ';
    echo get_the_author_meta('nickname');
    echo ' ';
    echo get_the_author_meta('last_name');
} else {
    echo get_the_author_meta('nickname');

/* Use a clever way of joining the parts of the name together
   if you wish, the style here is just for clarity.

NBget_the_author_meta pulls the requested field from the global $authordata, so you could simplify the code by accessing the global directly, although it’s better practice to use the abstraction that get_the_author_meta gives you.

Plugin Solution

If you don’t want to edit your theme and if your theme uses the standard the_author() template tag then make yourself a small plugin that hooks into the filter the_author.

function wpse_213437_author_display_name( $display_name ) {
    if ( user_can( get_the_author_meta('ID'), 'editor' ) ) {
        $display_name = get_the_author_meta('first_name');
        $display_name .=  ' ';
        $display_name .= get_the_author_meta('nickname');
        $display_name .= ' ';
        $display_name .= get_the_author_meta('last_name');
    } else {
        $display_name = get_the_author_meta('nickname');
    return $display_name;

add_filter( 'the_author', 'wpse_213437_author_display_name' );

Allowing Admin override

As an exercise for the reader, you can add your own fields to the user edit screen. So while you can’t augment the built-in display name dropdown, you could build your own or add a text input for an override value and then hook into the_author as above to use your new value.