Displaying custom post type listing

Instead of using the 'single_template' filter use the more generic 'template_include' filter for both archive annd single post view:

add_filter('template_include', 'my_custom_templates');

function my_custom_templates( $template ) {
  if ( is_single() && ( 'book_reviews' == get_post_type() ) ) {
    if ( ! locate_template('single-book_reviews.php', false) )
       $template = plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . '/single-book_reviews.php';
  } elseif( is_post_type_archive('book_reviews') ) {
     if ( ! locate_template('archive-book_reviews.php', false) )
       $template = plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . '/archive-book_reviews.php';
  return $template;

After that you have just to create the file 'archive-book_reviews.php' in your plugin folder.