Do extra plugin files get deleted during an upgrade?

Yes, the entire old directory will be deleted. So store files in the upload directory and other data in the database to keep all changes.

From class Plugin_Upgrader:

//Hooked to upgrade_clear_destination
function delete_old_plugin($removed, $local_destination, $remote_destination, $plugin) {
    global $wp_filesystem;

    if ( is_wp_error($removed) )
        return $removed; //Pass errors through.

    $plugin = isset($plugin['plugin']) ? $plugin['plugin'] : '';
    if ( empty($plugin) )
        return new WP_Error('bad_request', $this->strings['bad_request']);

    $plugins_dir = $wp_filesystem->wp_plugins_dir();
    $this_plugin_dir = trailingslashit( dirname($plugins_dir . $plugin) );

    if ( ! $wp_filesystem->exists($this_plugin_dir) ) //If its already vanished.
        return $removed;

    // If plugin is in its own directory, recursively delete the directory.
    if ( strpos($plugin, "") && $this_plugin_dir != $plugins_dir ) //base check on if plugin includes directory separator AND that its not the root plugin folder
        $deleted = $wp_filesystem->delete($this_plugin_dir, true);
        $deleted = $wp_filesystem->delete($plugins_dir . $plugin);

    if ( ! $deleted )
        return new WP_Error('remove_old_failed', $this->strings['remove_old_failed']);

    return true;