Critical error after updating my wordpress

If you are using WordPress 5.2 or newer, then the site should by default send a fatal error notification email to your admin email address. The email should have some sort of stack trace in it, which shows where the error occured. Then either login to the site using the recovery mode link found on … Read more

WPML is blocking WP core update

As I wanted to avoid manually installation I have tried changing the permissions of the folder and files inside /www/domains/, but since my 1st option did not work, I had try the 2nd one: I have finally uninstalled all plugins and manually installed the WP core. For this process I have downloaded the files from … Read more

Search WordPress Hook for completed Elementor Update

If I understand correctly, you want to do this: add_action(‘upgrader_process_complete’, ‘my_clear_elementor_cache’); function my_clear_elementor_cache() { // Make sure that Elementor loaded and the hook fired if (did_action(‘elementor/loaded’)) { // Automatically purge and regenerate the Elementor CSS cache \Elementor\Plugin::instance()->files_manager->clear_cache(); } }