do_action in conditional

Note that did_action only takes one input argument: the name of the action hook.

The scope of your if sentence is also unclear.

I don’t think you want to use did_action at all here, it doesn’t give you the number of emails.

You can try the following instead:

if ( $unread = do_shortcode( '[input-unread]' ) )
    printf( "<span class="new badge">%s</span>", $unread );

or skip the expensive do_shortcode parsing by using the shortcode callback directly:

       class_exists( 'IS_Inbox_Status' ) 
    && $unread = IS_Inbox_Status::get_instance()->get_count( 'inbox-unread' )
    printf( "<span class="new badge">%s</span>", $unread );

Note that this is untested.