I resolved this issue by using the wp-ajax environment. Essentially, I created the callback function for the comment_row_actions filter which created the link pointing to admin-ajax.php in the admin directory with a query string. Then I created the add_action to run in the wp_ajax environment with a redirect back to the referring page. I couldn’t come up with a solution that routed through comment.php.
Code below:
function my_filter_comment_row_actions($actions, $comment) {
if ($comment->comment_approved == '0') {
//build link
$nonce = wp_create_nonce('mynonce');
$screen = get_current_screen();
$args = array(
'c' => $comment->comment_ID,
'action' => 'my_ajax_action',
'another_query' => '1',
'_wpnonce' => $nonce,
'refer' => $screen->parent_file
$link = esc_url(add_query_arg($args, admin_url('admin-ajax.php')));
$actions['the_new_link'] = sprintf('<a href="https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/268236/%s" style="color:green">The New Link Text</a>', $link);
return $actions;
add_filter('comment_row_actions', 'my_filter_comment_row_actions', 10, 2);
So there’s the filter with callback to create the link. Now to the “AJAX” which really isn’t AJAX.
function my_approve_comment_with_tracking() {
if (wp_verify_nonce($_REQUEST['_wpnonce'], 'mynonce')) {
//do stuff
} else wp_redirect(home_url());
add_action('wp_ajax_my_ajax_action', 'my_approve_comment_with_tracking');
Hope this helps someone.