Query data after an Ajax insert

The function wp_insert_post() returns the post ID on success or the value 0 on error.

Your PHP function should look like this :

function save_enquiry_form_action() {
    $args = [
        // Your postdata...
    $is_post_inserted = wp_insert_post($args);
    if( !empty($is_post_inserted) ) {
            'post_id' => $is_post_inserted,
            'post_title' => get_the_title( $is_post_inserted ),
    } else {

Finally, in the Ajax return we get the information to send to the popup.

        [...] // everything before success function was good. 

        success: function(response) {
            if ( response.success == true ) {
                // in case of `wp_send_json_success()`

                var post_id = response.data.post_id;
                var post_title = response.data.post_title;
                $('#tvesModal .modal-content p').html(post_id + "<span>" + post_title + "</span>");
                modal.style.display = "block";
                body.style.position = "static";
                body.style.height = "100%";
                body.style.overflow = "hidden";  
            } else {
                // in case of `wp_send_json_error()`
                alert("Insert Failed");