editing shortcode for custom post type within a plugin

In your code $atts is always $atts = [ 'category' => '' ], you cannot use 'terms' => $atts, in query parameters $query_args.

[litters category="first_slug,second_slug"]

You can assign to 'terms' in 'tax_query' parameter a string (single category) or an array (multiple category). $args['category'] is passed to the shortcode function as string, so you need to check if it’s one category and no action is required, or a list of slugs separated by commas and they must be converted to an array.

public function shortcode_litters( $args ) {

    // filter shortcode attributes
    $args = shortcode_atts( 
        array( 'category' => '', 'columns' => '' ), 
    if ( strpos( $args['category'], ',' ) !== false ) {
        $terms = explode( ',', $args['category'] );
    } else {
        $terms = $args['category'];

    $query_args = array( 
        'post_type'         => 'litter',
        'post_status'       => 'publish',
        'orderby'           => 'date',
        'order'             => 'asc',
        'numberposts'       => -1,
        'tax_query' => array(
                'taxonomy' => 'product_category',
                'field'    => 'slug',
                'terms'    => $terms,