Email Obfuscation: Is antispambot() Acceptable? [closed]

The antispambot() method is still very reliable and robust from my experience, I have not had many problems using it but something else to look at depending on how far you are willing to go in securing your email address is to look into probably one of the easiest and most effective methods but also least known, believe it or not just requires minor CSS. I know MADNESS 😉

You write your email address backwards and then reverse the text direction using CSS when its is rendered in the browser like this

Example output in browser: [email protected]


<span class="obfuscate">moc.liamg@layorttam</span>


.obfuscate { unicode-bidi: bidi-override; direction: rtl; }

The other CSS trick for obfuscating is to add in some random text. Take this dummy email address for example below.

Example output in browser: [email protected]


<span class="obfuscate">


.obfuscate span { display: none; }

Both these methods have the downside of not being able to use the mailto: and then of course if anyone copies the email address, when they paste it, it will be backwards or have the random text you have added to it as well.

However these methods have proven to be extremely effective and you could even combine them with encode/decoding methods as well.