Exclude pages in archives results

Call the link with a query argument in which you pass the current post ID.

If get_the_term_list returns a url address (the link href) you would need to append a argument to it. Then, on the archive page exclude that post ID before the loop, using something like:

  query_posts(array('post__not_in' => array(intval($_GET['related_to']))));

Update: I’ve looked up get_the_term_list and it seems to be a wp function that lists html-formatted term links. So you’ll need to append your query argument before the links are built. In your functions.php file add:

function my_related_link($termlink, $term, $taxonomy){
  global $post;
  return add_query_arg('related_to', $post->ID, $termlink);

and in the template file where the link is added:

add_filter('term_link', 'my_related_link', 10, 3);
echo get_the_term_list( $post->ID, 'prod-cate', 'Products of the cateogry: ', ', ', '.' );
remove_filter('term_link', 'my_related_link');