Execute js files doesn’t seem to work

Just hook to wp_enqueue_scripts for both registering and enqueueing. You’ve registered with in_footer (last parameter in your code) true so what you need is:

function print_my_royal_slider_script() {
  global $add_my_script;
  if ( ! $add_my_script ) return;
add_action ('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'print_my_royal_slider_script');

The problem is going to be with $add_my_script. That has to be set before wp_head runs. If that is not possible– if, for example, you are setting it in your Loop–, I believe your only choice is to echo the script hooked to wp_footer but you can (almost) do it properly by using the $wp_scripts object to do the work.

function print_my_royal_slider_script() {
  global $wp_scripts,$add_my_script;
  if ( ! $add_my_script ) return;
add_action ('wp_footer', 'print_my_royal_slider_script');