Facebook like button that redirects?

It’s not a simple process, but you can do it with some javascript code.

Not to be shilling or anything, but my plugin Simple Facebook Connect makes this a LOT easier.

Step 1: You need a Facebook Application for your website. SFC guides you through this and configures the javascript on your site.

Step 2: You add some Like buttons. SFC lets you do this automatically or manually with function calls.

Step 3: You add some special javascript code to catch the edge-creation. Here’s an example of doing this with SFC:


function like_detect_edges() {
    FB.Event.subscribe("xfbml.render", function() {
        FB.Event.subscribe("edge.create", function(targetUrl) {
            alert('edge.create: '+targetUrl);
        FB.Event.subscribe("edge.remove", function(targetUrl) {
            alert('edge.remove: '+targetUrl);

This adds some code to the initialization phase of the FB javascript such that the like and unlike events will be captured and trigger some javascript code.

Now, I used alert’s here, but if you were to change the document.url there, then the page would redirect.

Doing this without SFC is a bit more complex. You have to add your own initialization code, the loader for FB’s all.js, the like button XFBML, etc.

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