Facebook ‘Share’ and ‘Like’ on individual posts

  1. Install ‘Simple Facebook Connect’ Plugin.

  2. Go to ‘Simple Facebook Connect’ under ‘Settings’ in WordPress Admin.

  3. Configure the plugin. There is a help tab to help you.

  4. Enable ‘Like Button’ and ‘Share Button’ modules.

  5. Change the ‘Like Button Settings’ according to your requirements.

You are done.

More Info

  1. This plugin is from Otto. Visit this plugin on Ottopress.

  2. This plugin properly outputs Open Graph tags.

  3. From the plugin description

“Simple Facebook Connect is a framework and series of sub-systems that
let you add any sort of Facebook functionality you like to a WordPress
blog. This lets you have an integrated site without a lot of coding,
and still letting you customize it exactly the way you’d like.”