fall back for main menu?

The parameter fallback_cb will be used when the user has no menu assigned to your theme_location. It should be a function that returns a string, but you can use __return_false() to suppress any output:

        'theme_location' => 'primary',
        // No menu available: no output.
        'fallback_cb'    => '__return_false'

You should always declare the fallback explicitly to keep your code readable.

Take the example from TwentyEleven:

/* Our navigation menu. If one isn't filled out, wp_nav_menu 
falls back to wp_page_menu. The menu assigned to the primary 
location is the one used. If one isn't assigned, the menu with 
the lowest ID is used. */ 
<?php wp_nav_menu( array( 'theme_location' => 'primary' ) ); ?>

That’s very confusing. One could think that the theme will now use the first available custom menu if there was no menu assigned to this theme location. Wrong. The list of pages will be used instead. Declaring a callback would have been much easier to understand.

The fallback will get all the menu arguments. You have to inspect the echo parameter, because WordPress will not take care of that for you. And make sure to respect the other arguments too to get a correctly styled output.

An advanced example: It returns nothing if there is no menu assigned to the theme location – and a link to the menu editor if the current user can actually create a menu:

 * Menu fallback. Link to the menu editor if that is useful.
 * @param  array $args
 * @return string
function link_to_menu_editor( $args )
    if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) )

    // see wp-includes/nav-menu-template.php for available arguments
    extract( $args );

    $link = $link_before
        . '<a href="' .admin_url( 'nav-menus.php' ) . '">' . $before . 'Add a menu' . $after . '</a>'
        . $link_after;

    // We have a list
    if ( FALSE !== stripos( $items_wrap, '<ul' )
        or FALSE !== stripos( $items_wrap, '<ol' )
        $link = "<li>$link</li>";

    $output = sprintf( $items_wrap, $menu_id, $menu_class, $link );
    if ( ! empty ( $container ) )
        $output  = "<$container class="$container_class" id='$container_id'>$output</$container>";

    if ( $echo )
        echo $output;

    return $output;

Now we can call this menu like this …

$menu = wp_nav_menu(
        'theme_location' => 'primary',
        'fallback_cb'    => 'link_to_menu_editor',
        'echo'           => FALSE

echo $menu;

… and an admin will get a useful link within all the markup the theme’s stylesheet is expecting:

enter image description here

A regular visitor will get nothing.

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