Wow, there’s a lot of extra code and warnings here that we can ignore, but I think you might be missing the very beginning of your functions.php code. If not, and that’s the whole block of code in question, then you’re missing one or more opening parentheses at the beginning of that php snippet. That’s also what that error means sometimes.
It’s almost like an infinite loop. The code is missing a bracket or parenthesis or both so most, if not all, of those errors are being thrown by WP because WP is expecting to see something else which is either an opening or closing bracket, but instead is finding more functions, variables, and other code where it thinks it shouldn’t be.
Looking at the beginning of your functions.php code, there is 1 open parenthesis missing from what I can see. If that is all the code in functions.php, it should start like this:
__(( 'Footer Right', 'launcher' ), 'id' => 'footer-right', 'description' => __('Footer','launcher'), 'before_widget' => '', 'after_widget' => '', 'before_title' => '', 'after_title' => '', ) );
Again, I’m guessing that’s not all the code since there’s the 2 underscores at the beginning, usually denoting that there’s another line of code above that. Is it just the standard default functions.php code that comes with WP above that?