Have you tried using parse_blocks()
(pass in get_the_content()
)? That returns an array of all the blocks in your content. From there you can pull out block names and id attributes using an array map or foreach.
Assuming you only want to pull anchor tags from the headings, you could do something like:
$blocks = parse_blocks( get_the_content() );
$block_ids = array();
function get_block_id( $block ) {
if ( $block['blockName'] !== 'core/heading' ) return;
$block_html = $block['innerHTML'];
$id_start = strpos( $block_html, 'id="' ) + 4;
if ( $id_start === false ) return;
$id_end = strpos( $block_html, '"', $id_start );
$block_id = substr( $block_html, $id_start, $id_end - $id_start );
return $block_id;
foreach( $blocks as $block ) {
$block_id = get_block_id( $block );
if ( $block_id ) array_push ( $block_ids, $block_id );