Foreach in get_post_types to apply a different filter per post type

Welcome to Stack exchange 🙂

Some other plugin ( or your plugin elsewhere ) may be getting executed later, and maybe adding some elements to the array.

Try to give your hook a higher priority, replacing your tweak method with following…

function tweak()
    foreach( $this->get_post_types('objects') as $type => $data) {
        if($this->setting('disable_bulk_' . $type))
            if ( ! empty( $data->rewrite['slug'] ) ) {
                $type = $data->rewrite['slug'];
            add_filter('bulk_actions-edit-' . $type, '__return_empty_array',999);

This should delay the execution you function.
Lemme know if that helps 🙂



Gets post type objects instead of default labels.
Uses slug instead of post type name when slug is defined ( and not empty ) in post type object.