Foreach loop duplicating a taxonomy thumbnail image

1). Inside your foreach (term child) loop you first have:

echo wp_get_attachment_image( $termThumb->image_id, 'thumb' )   ;

but $termThumb isn’t set yet. So on the first iteration it doesn’t do anything.

2) Then you have another foreach loop:

if ( ! empty( $termThumbs ) ) {
    foreach(  $termThumbs as $termThumb ) {
        print wp_get_attachment_image( $termThumb->image_id, 'thumb' )  ;

where $termThumbs is (presumably) an array of term-thumbnail objects. So you print every term thumbnail image.

Then on the next iteration of the foreach (i.e. the for the next term child) $termThumb is now set to the last object in the $termThumbs array. And so in (1) the term is now set, and so prints the thumbnail for that object, before doing (2) again displaying all thumbnails again.