forming WP_Query for posts of all post types but from specific categories

According to the codex category_name only takes one string value. category_in accepts an array of category IDs:

$args = array(
 'category__in' = array(1,4,6,8), // use IDs
 'post_type'=> array( $ptype, 'post', 'test-btum', 'test-other' )
$wp_query = new WP_Query($args); ?>

It might be possible that the default category taxonomy is not registered to your custom post type. In that case try adding

register_taxonomy_for_object_type( 'category', 'test-btum' )

to your themes functions.php. Repeat for every post type you want to register. Make sure your custom post types are actually assigned to a category otherwise they won’t show up in your query.