Generating Thumbnails for video

You can use the oEmbed functionality baked into WordPress. Typically any video host on this list will return a thumbnail to you using oembed.

Here is a list of default providers that WordPress uses for auto embedding in the content area. I’ve included non-video sources as well for the convenience of others.

The full list of possible providers is documented at the WordPress codex under:
Embeds – Okay, So What Sites Can I Embed From?

Select your provider then use the following to get your video information.

$oembed= new WP_oEmbed;
//As noted in the comments below, you can auto-detect the video provider with the following
$provider = $oembed->discover($url);
$video = $oembed->fetch($provider, $url, array('width' => 300, 'height' => 175));
$title = $video->title;
$html = $video->html;
$thumb = $video->thumbnail_url;

I realize VideoBuzzy is not on the list. It appears to be a YouTube knockoff site. You should ask them if they have oembed protocols. If they don’t, you can register a non oembed handler by using wp_embed_register_handler().

Hope this helps!

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