Get all of user’s custom post types in WP Admin for plugin

By passing the _builtin argument to get_post_types(), only WordPress default post types will be returned.

Instead, just pass public as an arguement,

Here’s an example of output on a development site with WooCommerce activated:

var_dump(get_post_types(['public' => true]));

array(4) {
  string(4) "post"
  string(4) "page"
  string(10) "attachment"
  string(7) "product"

With no arguments (non-public post types are returned along with public):


array(11) {
  string(4) "post"
  string(4) "page"
  string(10) "attachment"
  string(8) "revision"
  string(13) "nav_menu_item"
  string(7) "product"
  string(17) "product_variation"
  string(10) "shop_order"
  string(17) "shop_order_refund"
  string(11) "shop_coupon"
  string(12) "shop_webhook"