I believe what you’re seeing is the expected behavior when parent
is set to 0
which is what get_cat_id()
returns if it fails to find a category ID for the $cat_name
argument. You can quickly test this by putting var_dump($current_cat_id);
anytime after you set it to see if this guess is right. If so, you’ll need to figure out why you’re not getting a $current_cat_id
The way you’re doing it right now strikes me as fairly error-prone though it’s hard to know without more context. I’d look to get the ID directly from a get_the_terms()
if you’re on single posts or maybe with get_query_var()
if on a term archive page.
Tangentially, your code shouldn’t be working at all if what you pasted is unedited since your if
statement has no test to perform.
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