Gutenberg blocks – processing server data within a block

There are multiple better ways to get a list of posts in a Gutenberg block, other than rendering serverside.

First is to use the Wrodpress wrapper around Redux and select posts exactly like in the Gutenberg Handbook:

edit: withSelect( function( select ) {
    return {
        posts: select( 'core' ).getEntityRecords( 'postType', 'post' )
} )( function( props ) {

    if ( ! props.posts ) {
        return "Loading...";

    if ( props.posts.length === 0 ) {
        return "No posts";
    var className = props.className;
    var post = props.posts[ 0 ];

    return el(
        { className: className, href: },
} ),

Notice how the edit function is composed with data from the Gutenberg store and it gets the posts array as a prop.

The second option is to simply use Axios to get the posts you need via the rest API:

 * Makes a get request to the desired post type and builds the query string based on an object.
 * @param {string|boolean} restBase - rest base for the query.
 * @param {object} args
 * @returns {AxiosPromise<any>}
export const getPosts = ({ restBase = false, ...args }) => {
    const queryString = Object.keys(args).map(arg => `${arg}=${args[arg]}`).join('&');

    return axios.get(`/wp-json/wp/v2/${restBase}?        ${queryString}&_embed`);

This is a snippet from this great tutorial:

After the posts call is defined you may use componentDidMount to call it and then set the posts as the new Modal componenet state:

 * When the component mounts it calls this function.
 * Fetches posts types, selected posts then makes first call for posts
componentDidMount() {
        loading: true,

        .then(({ data = {} } = {}) => {
                types: data

Also from Gutenberg Postlist demo but shortened for brevity.

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