Highlight specific menu item when custom post is page

I think i have a function that will do it for you.

The usual WP way to highlight the menu item is to add the class “current-menu-item” to the item, then you can style highlighted links with CSS.

In this case you want to highlight a taxonomy menu link if we’re in a post for that taxonomy, is that right? For example if we’re in a post in “CategoryX” we want the menu link for “CategoryX” to be highlighted.

The following filter for Walker_Nav_Menu should help. This can go in functions.php

function my_special_nav_class( $classes, $item ) {

if( 'category' == $item->object ){  

    $current_category = array();   

    $category = get_category( $item->object_id );  
    $category = $category->term_id;

    global $wp_query, $wp_rewrite;

    $queried_object = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
    $current_category[] = $queried_object->term_id;

    // uncomment the following if you want to debug:
    // echo '<pre>Category of this menu item<br />';
    // print_r($category);
    // echo '</pre>';
    // echo '<pre>Category queried for this page<br />';
    // print_r($current_category);
    // echo '</pre>';

    if( in_array( $category, $current_category ) ) {

        $classes[] = 'current-menu-item';   

    return $classes; 

add_filter( 'nav_menu_css_class', 'my_special_nav_class', 10, 2 );

This function filters nav_menu_css_class which is used by Walker_Nav_Menu.


The filter above works for the default taxonomy “category”, but we would probably have to loop through all current post taxonomies to catch a custom taxonomy. If you only need one taxonomy, it’s simpler. I’m still working out a solution for custom taxonomies…