How can add metabox for post of specific category before save post and after save post [duplicate]

Firstly, remember that because you are basing this on category IDs, you will need to save the post under category ‘5’ before the box will appear. When I tested your code the meta box did appear after I saved the post, but you had an error.

add_meta_box('team_meta', 'My Custom Meta Box 1', 'team_meta', 'post', 'normal', 'high');

This line should actually be like this, as your function title is a little different:

add_meta_box('team_meta', 'My Custom Meta Box 1', 'team_meta_1', 'post', 'normal', 'high');

The third parameter is your callback function, which you have named ‘team_meta_1’. After changing this the textarea appeared and saved correctly for me.