How can I add 2 buttons with shortcode

If I enter this shortcode:

[download url=""]Download[/download]

it works fine. But you have to enter the link text as content yourself. You might have missed that, the way I read your question.

Your [demo]-Shortcode throughs an error. To see this, you need to have WP_DEBUG set to true:

 Notice: Undefined variable: func in \wp-includes\shortcodes.php on line 92

This is because, your code says


This in fact creates an shortcode like [demodemo_button] with no function attached. Use a comma instead the point:


If you do so, it works fine too. But again, you have to add the link text as content, like here:

[demo url=""]Linktext[/demo]

If you want a fixed link text, you should have a look into this code snippet:

function download_button($atts, $content = null) {
 extract( shortcode_atts( array(
          'url' => '#'
 ), $atts ) );
 return '<a href="'.$url.'" class="btn btn-default btn-download">Download</a>';