How can i call from custom fields to the category editor?

You are saving your extra fields to the *_options table so you need to pull them back out of that table. You can copy and cobble together bits of the existing code to do that.

if ( is_category() ) {
    $current_cat = get_query_var('cat');
$tag_extra_fields = get_option(MY_CATEGORY_FIELDS);
// var_dump($tag_extra_fields); // debug
if (isset($tag_extra_fields[$current_cat])) {

Of course, you don’t really want var_dump. You will want to echo proper markup. I don’t know exactly what markup, but that should get you started.

For example, to output the title as an <h1> tag:

echo '<h1>'.$tag_extra_field['my_title'].'</h1>';

This is assuming that I have interpreted the array structure correctly. If that doesn’t work uncomment the var_dump line and post the output in the question– code formatting in comments is almost non-existent.