WordPress provides a convenient function for just this purpose: wp_handle_upload()
Assuming that you already have the appropriate file form field in your settings page, and that you’re using register_setting()
for your options, and therefore already have an options validation callback, simply handle the file form field data using wp_handle_upload()
. Here’s an example:
// Validate file fields
else if ( 'file' == $optiondetails['type'] ) {
if ( isset( $input[$setting] ) ) {
// Only update setting if input value is in the list of valid options
$setting_file = $setting . '_file';
$valid_input[$setting] = ( isset( $_FILES[$setting_file] ) ? theme-slug_image_upload( $setting, $input ) : $valid_input[$setting] );
Then, you just need to define that theme-slug_image_upload()
callback, using wp_handle_upload()
function theme-slug_image_upload( $the_file, $input ) {
$data = $_FILES[$the_file . '_file'];
if ( '' != $data['name'] )
$upload = wp_handle_upload( $_FILES[$the_file . '_file'], array( 'test_form' => false ) );
$upload['url'] = $input[$the_file];
return $upload['url'];
That’s pretty much it.