How do I apply friendly URL permalinks to a custom WordPress template?

Add the following code

In your main hooks file (maybe in functions.php)

add_action('init', 'my_custom_rewrite_rules');

Then add this function

function my_custom_rewrite_rules() {

    // The rule
    // Input: archives/publications/countries/kenya
    // Output: archive-template.php?posttype=publications&taxo=countries&slug=kenya
    add_rewrite_rule('archives/publications/countries/([^/]+)/', 'archive-template.php?posttype=publications&taxo=countries&slug=$matches[1]', 'top');

    // Flush the rules (to activate them)

To learn more about regex and rewrite rules, those links might help

And to test your rewrite rules, you can use any plugin you like, but I love this one: Monkeyman Rewrite Analyzer

NOTE Sorry I did not write the rule for you, I really have something that came up and do not have time to write the rule and test it, however, I hope the resources that I provided would help you. Good luck.

NOTE 2 Updated the rule. It is not tested. But this should give you a good start.