How can I make /wp-admin the root url?

You can potentially use redirects to achieve this, it may not be the most ideal or stable solution, and could cause problems with your site. This is why you’re seeing a “too many redirects” error. Every time WordPress loads, it checks if the requested URL is supposed to be the admin URL. If not, it … Read more

How do I modify each instance of setcookie?

I installed the SameSite plug-in which mimics the default PHP setcookie behavior and adds the additional parameter (samesite) to the cookie. I set the plug-in configuration in wp-config.php with: define( ‘WP_SAMESITE_COOKIE’, ‘None’ ); By setting the configuration of samesite=None, browsers will not enforce SameSite rules that are used to prevent CSRF. From the Mozilla blog: … Read more