How do I assign a block template (.html) to a custom post type?

Classic and block(-based) themes both use the same template hierarchy, so for example in classic themes, we can add a template named single-<post type>.php which would be used as the default template for displaying single posts in a specific post type, and in block themes, the equivalent template is named single-<post type>.html, but that template must be placed in the templates directory (e.g. at wp-content/themes/your-theme/templates) as opposed to the theme’s root directory in classic themes.

So you should rename your template to single-foobar.html and WordPress will automatically load it on single post pages in the foobar post type, e.g. at

However, to make it appear as the “Default template”, e.g. in the “Post tab → Template panel” in the block editor’s sidebar, you need to register the template as a default template using the default_template_types hook:

add_filter( 'default_template_types', 'my_theme_default_template_types' );
function my_theme_default_template_types( $template_types ) {
    $template_types['single-foobar'] = array(
        'title'       => 'Single Foobar',
        'description' => 'Displays a single foobar post.',

    return $template_types;

Preview (WordPress v6.0.1):

Preview image

So I hope that helps and you should check the Differences and similarities between classic themes and block themes, and you might also want to learn about registering custom templates: (which in classic themes, they use a header line, i.e. a PHP comment like Template Name: Foobar)