How do I conditionally defer scripts based on the page name?

The global $page variable is not a WP_Post object. It is just the post ID. So to get the page title, you need to get the WP_Post object first from the post ID.

The reason that defer is always getting added is two-fold. First, $page is an integer, so $page->page_name will evaluate as null and null is not identically equal to ‘awkward_page’. It will also throw an error or warning. Also, page_name is not a valid property of a WP_Post object. The correct property is post_name – even on pages.

function defer_scripts( $tag, $handle ) {

    //* Get the post object
    $page = get_post( get_the_ID() );

    //* Defer on some condition
    if( 'awkward_page' !== $page->post_name ) {
      $tag = str_replace( ' src', ' defer src', $tag );
    return $tag;
add_filter( 'script_loader_tag', 'defer_scripts', 10, 2 );