How do I create links at the top of WP_List_table?

As mentioned in the comments, if this is an existing table you wish to add/remove links from, see this answer.

If this a custom subclass of WP_List_Table, e.g.:

class Wpse56883_WP_List_Table extends WP_List_Table{

 //Class methods here


Then you add these links by overriding the get_views() method. This should return an array: array ( id => link ). This should link back to the page, attaching some value to a query variable (which I’ll call customvar).

When constructing the links, check for the current value for customvar and conditionally add the class current to highlight in bold the current view.

So (inside) your class.

function get_views(){
   $views = array();
   $current = ( !empty($_REQUEST['customvar']) ? $_REQUEST['customvar'] : 'all');

   //All link
   $class = ($current == 'all' ? ' class="current"' :'');
   $all_url = remove_query_arg('customvar');
   $views['all'] = "<a href="{$all_url }" {$class} >All</a>";

   //Foo link
   $foo_url = add_query_arg('customvar','foo');
   $class = ($current == 'foo' ? ' class="current"' :'');
   $views['foo'] = "<a href="{$foo_url}" {$class} >Foo</a>";

   //Bar link
   $bar_url = add_query_arg('customvar','bar');
   $class = ($current == 'bar' ? ' class="current"' :'');
   $views['bar'] = "<a href="{$bar_url}" {$class} >Bar</a>";

   return $views;

Then in your prepare_items method you can retrieve the customvar method and alter your query according to it’s value.

 function prepare_items(){
     //Retrieve $customvar for use in query to get items.
     $customvar = ( isset($_REQUEST['customvar']) ? $_REQUEST['customvar'] : 'all');

Note: The links can be used to perform actions. I would store the ‘action’ value in the query variable action (remember to use nonces!). Then hook onto load-{$hook} (see Codex), check permissions and nonces, and then perform the action.

If you are going to include ‘action links’, make sure you use nonces – and you should only display the link for users with the necessary capabilities.

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