How do I get array of types associated with a taxonomy?

You’re using the correct code (get_taxonomy('dog')->object_type) or function, but it should only be used after the taxonomy has been registered. Otherwise, the function would return a false instead of a proper taxonomy object which contains properties like object_type which is an array of post types registered for the taxonomy.

And because taxonomies are normally (or should be) registered during the init hook, you can use any hooks that WordPress fires after the init hook, e.g. wp_loaded or in your case, you’d want to use the admin_init which runs on the admin side of the site like the post editing screens:

add_action( 'admin_init', function () {
    // Make sure the taxonomy exists.
    if ( ! $tax = get_taxonomy( 'dog' ) ) {

    foreach ( $tax->object_type as $type ) {
        add_filter( "manage_{$type}_posts_columns", 'update_dog_type_columns' );
        add_action( "manage_{$type}_posts_custom_column", 'update_dog_type_column', 10, 2 );
} );