How do I get the labels from a post

As noted in the comments, Labels appears to be a taxonomy, not a post type (which is why your code snippet didn’t work. Probably the easiest way to get to do this is using get_the_term_list() like so:

echo get_the_term_list( get_the_id(), 'labels', '', ', ', '' );

That snippet assumes two things:

  1. That it’s used in the loop.
  2. That “labels” is the correct taxonomy name. You should go to Posts > Labels and look for taxonomy=___________ in the admin page’s URL to figure out the correct taxonomy name for use above.

If you need a list of post terms to work with in PHP, use get_the_terms() instead.

p.s. It’s worth noting that “Labels” is not a core WordPress taxonomy so it must be registered by a theme, plugin, or other custom piece of code that may provide alternate ways of displaying the labels on the front end.